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***From The Office of the Mayor***

Fellow Residents,

Today I attended a meeting with FEMA representatives and the Gloucester County Office of Emergency Management in Harrison Township. In attendance were also the Mayors of the towns most affected by the storm. At this meeting, I conveyed various concerns and questions I’ve heard first hand from those residents dealing with the cleanup and recovery.

Please see the following items I would like to note from that meeting:

  • BWHNJ Public Works and Gloucester County crews continue to remove debris from the impacted areas. Please place in piles at the curb. If at all possible, separate the trees / branches from other debris – fencing / sheds / decks / siding / etc.
  • A FEMA Disaster Survivor Assistance Team will be visiting Woodbury Heights on the afternoon of Wednesday, September 15th and / or the morning of Thursday, September 16th. The team will be going door-to-door in the affected areas. In addition, a Mobile Command Operations post will be set up next to the railroad tracks in the Police Station’s parking lot.
  • Please register for Disaster Relief at if you have not already done so.
  • A FEMA Disaster Recovery Center is now open at the Gloucester County Municipal Library located at 389 Wolfert Station Road, Mullica Hill, NJ 08062. Hours of operation are:
      • Monday – Friday 7:00am – 7:00pm
      • Saturday 10:00am – 5:00pm
      • Sunday 1:00pm – 5:00pm

    The recovery center can assist answering any questions you may have regarding the recovery process and can also assist with registering and submitting your request for disaster assistance. If your vehicle is damaged / undriveable and you require transportation to the recovery center, please email and we will attempt to arrange transportation.

  • The US Small Business Administration offers disaster assistance in the form of low interest loans to businesses, homeowners and renters located in regions affected by declared disasters. Please visit for further information.
  • Mennonite Services (Volunteers) has offered their service with tree removal. If you have a need of tree removal, please email with your Name, Address, and Phone #, and we will forward your information to the Mennonite volunteers.
  • Other towns have received reports of price gouging. Price gouging is an increase in price that is 10% higher than the prices prior to an emergency. If you feel that a business has unfairly increased its prices, please email for further information.

Cleanup efforts are expected to continue for some time. I met with volunteers this past Friday who have been assisting our residents in their clean up efforts. Their hard work is appreciated. Our own public works equally is working very hard keeping up with debris removal, and equally appreciated as so many of you have told me personally.

As you continue the process of recovery and a return to normal, please be safe and If you have a question, do not hesitate to contact me directly at (856) 381 – 3866.

Thank you,

Mayor Packer

Fellow residents,

It has been a difficult week indeed as we pick up the pieces left by a storm that has ravaged many homes in town. The response to clear our roads and restore power to every street was quick and by most counts, effective. I spoke with a representative at the Governor’s office and the Borough’s needs were communicated prior to his visit. There were two homes that were rendered uninhabitable and many others with varying levels of damage to them and surrounding structures.

As you have seen first-hand, our public works, along with the assistance of fellow neighbors have worked tirelessly to clear debris and begin repairs. This work is expected for many weeks to come. Many thanks to those that have volunteered time, effort, food, water, and sweat in the help of those in need.

Our public works will continue to remove debris along our roads over the next few weeks along with continuation of our usual Borough Services of Trash/Recycling. If you have any questions as far as collection efforts, please contact our Public Works Superintendent Ryan Wells at (856) 848-2832 ext. 35

FEMA Information packets will be hand delivered to each residence in the area by Thursday and are also posted here:…/1VaA9wt6c8XZgEgUjyXAm8H6veA3… for your use in seeking needed financial assistance. A Home Cleanup Assistance Hotline has also been established; please see the flyer here:…/1Zr9…/view…

A Reception Center has been established at the Gloucester County Municipal Library and temporary shelter facilities, should you need them, are available through Rowan University. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our Emergency Management Coordinator, John Witasick, at (856) 300-2622 or by email at

Regarding Construction, Building, Electrical, plumbing, and zoning issues/permits, should you have any issues, questions, or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact our Property Liaison Mike McCabe at (215) 704-1020.

Our Fire and Police departments have continued to provide excellent service and protection throughout this ordeal. Their efforts serving you are much appreciated and were certainly recognized the day of the storm. They continue to work with our Emergency Management Office in damage assessment and needs reporting to the County and State.

With the possibility high winds and more rain expected tonight, aside from securing your homes, please report to our OEM any safety hazards that need to be addressed. This has been mainly reports of large tree limbs that are hanging from partially damaged trees. The Fire, Police, and OEM will be on a heightened state of alert given the short term weather forecast for tonight.

Lastly, if you have any questions not answered above, or need specific assistance do not hesitate to contact me directly at (856) 381-3866 or by email at

Wishing everyone a speedy recovery, stay safe.

Mayor Packer

Fellow Residents of Woodbury Heights,
I just concluded a call with the Gloucester County Office of Emergency Management. We have lots of trees, power lines, and damaged houses around Chestnut, Glenwood, Spring, Sunside and Boundary. Thankfully, there have been no injuries reported in Woodbury Heights.

We have requested assistance with tree removal, damage assessment, and have contacted PSE&G to clear our roads that are impassable. A State of Emergency for the County of Gloucester and The State of New Jersey has been declared. Our Public Works Department is dealing with Pump Stations out of power, and will aide with tree removal along with the County & PSE&G as soon as possible.

If anyone needs shelter, The Gloucester County Institute of Technology is open for residents. Police, Fire and The Office of Emergency Management will be out early this morning in the most affected areas.
Please stay safe, and check on your neighbors.

Mayor Packer

Fact Sheets and Flyers
Disaster Assistance
(Updated 09 September 2021)

Due to current disaster activity, we are experiencing heavy call volumes. But you can apply for assistance and check the status of your case online.. Once you have applied for FEMA assistance, your case will be reviewed.


NJVOAD Now Accepting Donations
United Way Now Accepting Donations

Donations through the United Way of Gloucester County. United Way of Gloucester County is accepting donations to support the immediate and long term needs of the response and recovery efforts from the September 1s tornado and accompanying flooding and high wind damage in Gloucester County. All donations to this fund will be used for response and recovery.


***From The Public Works Director***

***Recycling Canceled 9/2/21***


Due to the extensive clean up from Wednesday’s storms, Recycling has been cancelled this week. Please put your recycle cans out at the curb on Wednesday evening, 9/8/21 for pick up on Thursday, September 9th.


Single Stream Recycling collection throughout the Borough
Recyclables include: newspapers, other paper (junk mail), cardboard, plastic containers #1 and #2, glass, aluminum and steel cans.

***Brush Collection 9/6/21***

Brush Collection will resume on Monday.
Branches must be bundled 3’ wide by 4’ long.
Please place grass clippings in cans if possible. (PLEASE DO NOT BAG GRASS CLIPPINGS)
Only leaves in bio-degradable bags or 35 gallon cans will be picked up.
They should not exceed 50 lbs in weight. Please do NOT dump your yard waste in easement areas or the woods.

Thank you for your patience, understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Stay safe!

Ryan Wells
Public Works Director