WHCC Regulations

Community Center Statement: The Woodbury Heights Community Center is owned, operated and maintained by the Borough of Woodbury Heights. The Community Center shall be governed by the rules and regulations as established by the Borough of Woodbury Heights and as set forth herein.

Article No.1- Name and Objective

Section 1. Name:
The building shall be known as the Woodbury Heights Community Center

Section 2. Objective:
1. The Community Center shall be used for recreational activities, by community organizations and social affairs for the civic and social betterment of the Borough of Woodbury Heights.

2. Maximum Occupants on the ground level shall not exceed 280 and 10 occupants on the second level. Total maximum occupants shall not exceed 290.

Article No. 2 -Application for use
Section 1. Application procedure:
1. Applications for use of the Community Center will be available at the Woodbury Heights Borough Hall.

2. A completed Application for Use and proof of insurance, if required, must be provided.

3. Prior to use of the Community Center, and after the application is accepted and approved, all required fees and deposits must be paid in full to the Borough Clerk .

4. The Borough Clerk shall maintain an up-to-date record of the scheduled activities at the Community Center.

5. Woodbury Heights organizations shall have preference in the event of a scheduling conflict.

6. The Borough Clerk shall maintain all fmancial records associated with the Community Center.

7. Use fees, deposits, insurance requirements, use agreement, and other applicant responsibilities shall be noted on the application and elsewhere herein.

Article No. 3 – Community Center Committee
Section 1. Administration:
1. A committee of a maximum of eight adult Woodbury Heights Borough residents appointed by the Mayor and approved by Borough Council shall act in an advisory capacity concerning the operation of the Community Center.

2. A minimum of one-half of the full Committee membership shall constitute a quorum for voting purposes.

3. Committee members shall serve for a period of one year and may be re-appointed for additional 1-year terms. Committee appointments shall be made January 1 , and run through December 31.

4. The committee shall have at least one representative from each community organization if possible.

5. The committee shall have a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Recording Secretary.

a). The Chairperson shall have the responsibility of scheduling and presiding over meetings of the Committee. The Chairman shall also have the responsibility of assigning duties and appointing sub-committees to help with the safe and efficient operation of the Community Center. The Chairperson shall report the Committees findings directly to the Councilperson in charge of Recreation and Civic or the Councilperson in charge of Property and Environmental, whichever is appropriate.

b). The Vice Chairperson shall assume all of the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson.

c). The Recording Secretary shall prepare and maintain records of all business conducted by the Community Center Committee. The Recording Secretary shall also be responsible to notify all Committee members of scheduled meetings. The Recording Secretary shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.
Section 2, Meeting Schedule:
1. The Committee shall meet on the second Thursday of each month. The meeting date may be modified on a monthly bases to insure that an adequate number of coiill1llttee members are available to conduct business. Additional meetings may be scheduled if necessary.

Section 3, Responsibilities:
1. The Committee shall be responsible to oversee the operation of the Community Center.

2. The Committee shall review applications for building use as requested by the Borough Clerk and make recommendations for approval or disapproval.

3. The Committee shall make recommendations for building maintenance and improvements.

4. The Committee shall make recommendations for the purchase of various supplies necessary for operation of the building.

5. The Committee shall establish an operating budget for the Community Center on a year-by-year bases.

6. The Committee shall establish a five-year spending plan for capitol improvements and equipment to accommodate planned use of the building.
Section 2. Committee:

1. Community Center Committee members shall be appointed by Borough Resolution in January of each year.

Article 4 – Fee Schedule

Section 1. Fees for Community Center Use:

1. Recognized Woodbury Heights Organizations and Associations will not be responsible for a use fee. A non-refundable deposit may be required for maintenance and/or clean-up as determined by the Borough Clerk or Community Center Committee.

2. The Woodbury Heights Elementary School and Gateway Regional High School will not be responsible for a use fee; however, a non-refundable deposit may be required for maintenance and/or clean-up as determined by the Borough Clerk or Community Center Committee.

3. Rental of the gymnasium for one day or evening use is $400.00 per event with a refundable deposit of$200.00 after inspection of the Community Center.

4. Rental of the meeting room for day or evening use is $100.00 per event.

5. Weekly rental for day or evening use is $600.00 with a refundable deposit of$200.00 after inspection ofthe Community Center.

6. The Committee shall make recommendations to Mayor and Council for use fees other than those listed above.
Article 5 – Community Center Use

Section 1. Alcohol:
1. Alcoholic beverages will not be allowed in the Community Center.

Section 2. Responsibility of Applicant:
1. An applicant agrees to comply with all rules and regulations as noted on the application form.

2. Any event held at the Community Center shall have adequate adult supervision for the safe and efficient operation of the planned event.

3. The applicant shall be responsible for the conduct of all persons using the facility.

4. The applicant shall be responsible for any damage to the Community Center during the planned event. If any damage occurs, the applicant is required to report it to the Borough Clerk.

Article No.6- Insurance Requirements
Section 1. Insurance and Release:
The organization I person shall provide Owner with a Certificate of Insurance naming Owner as an “Additional Insured” hereunder in accordance with the following schedule of minimum coverage’s:

• Workers Compensation and Employer Liability………………….. Statutory

Minimum Limits;

• General Public Liability…………………………….$1,000,000.00 per person; $2,000,000.00 per occurrence;

Minimum limits may be achieved by combining a base policy of insurance with an “Umbrella” policy of insurance to achieve the minimum coverage’s recited above. All policies of insurance shall contain coverage for all claims resulting in personal injury or death or damage to property, and a certificate conforming to the provisions of thls subparagraph shall be provided to the Borough not less than seven (7) days prior to the date of the scheduled event.

Article No.7- Building Access

Section 1. Access Procedures:
1. An applicant will be allowed to access the building 1-hour prior to a scheduled event for set-up purposes and will be allowed 1-hour after the scheduled event for clean-up purposes.

2. An applicant will be required to pick up the appropriate keys for the building from the Borough Clerk during regular Borough hours.

3. The applicant shall be responsible to return all keys issued to the Borough Clerk. The applicant at this time shall report any damage to the building or equipment or anything found not to be operating properly. The applicant will be charged a $25.00 fee for missing or lost keys,