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Municipal Clerk

Shannon Elton: Municipal Clerk
856 848-2832 ext. 10

The Municipal Clerk is the custodian of all minutes, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, deeds and archival records of the municipality. The Clerk also serves as Secretary to the Governing Body, prepares meeting agendas, attends all meetings of Mayor and Council and documents the minutes of every meeting. The Municipal Clerk’s office issues various licenses and permits such as food, liquor, raffle and street opening. The Clerk’s office provides general information to the public

The Municipal Clerk serves as Secretary to the Board of Health and issues dog licenses and hosts an annual rabies clinic in January.


Vital Statistics

The Registrar of Vital Statistics records births, deaths, marriages, civil unions, and domestic partnerships. Applications for marriage, civil union, and domestic partnership are by appointment only.

Borough of Woodbury Heights
500 Elm Avenue, Woodbury Heights, NJ 08097
Tel.#: 856-848-2832

Registrar of Vital Statistics: Shannon Elton, CMR
Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics: Jolyn Gregoria, CMR
Alternate Registrar of Vital Statistics: TBD



The Clerk is the Chief Elections Officer in all elections held in the Borough and the Chief Registrar of the Voters in the Borough of Woodbury Heights. All voting districts vote at the Community Center on Helen Avenue


Tax Collector / Finance

Vikki Holmstrom: Chief Financial Officer/Tax Collector/Qualified Purchasing Agent
856 848-2832 ext 14

Shannon Elton: Deputy Tax Collector

Tax Payment Schedule

Tax Appeals

Property Tax Payers’ Rights

Senior Freeze Property Tax Reimbursement Eligibility Requirements

Friday Pick Up Flyer

State of New Jersey Tax Relief Programs



Water / Sewer

Maria Furfari : Diversified Utility and Payroll Clerk
856 848-2832 ext. 16

Water and Sewer is billed quarterly.
Water is based on consumption.
Water & Sewer Payment Schedule


Tax Assessor

Tax Assessment is handled through Gloucester County

Contact Information:
Monday to Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Gloucester County Office of Assessment
Clayton Complex, Bldg. A
1200 N. Delsea Drive
Clayton, NJ 08312
Phone: 856-307-6445 Fax: 856-307-6447

Tuesday By Appointment Only
Gloucester County Office of Assessment “Satellite”
115 Budd Boulevard (Office # ED-2)
Phone: 856-384-6931 Fax: 856-307-6447

Effective 8-1-16 Satellite Location:  Budd Boulevard will no longer be staffed by County Assessment Office.  It will be available by appointment only, please call 856-307-6445 for any County Assessing questions or to make an appointment.


Account Clerk

Jolyn Gregoria: Account Clerk/Deputy Borough Clerk
856 848-2832 ext. 38


Borough Solicitor

Brian Lozuke


Borough Engineer

Mark Brunermer


Public Works

Ryan Wells
Director of Public Works
856 848-2832 ext 35
Streets & Roads: 856 848-2832

Water & Sewer (Emergency)
Daytime (6:30A.M-2:30 P.M.) – 856 848-2832
Nights/Weekends- 856 589-0911