Bingo & Raffle

Applying for a bingo or raffle license involves three basic steps:

  1. Register with the State of New Jersey as a “Qualified” organization
    • Related Documents:

Application for Registration (PDF)

Raffle Report Operations – A report of operations must be filed with the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission no later than the 15th day of the calendar month immediately following the calendar month in which the licensed activity was held, operated or conducted.

  1. Municipal approval of the event(s)
    • Related Documents:

Raffle/Bingo Permit Borough Checklist & Fees

Directions for Bingo/Raffle Application

Bingo Application

Raffle Application

Instructions for Non-Criminal Background Check (Woodbury PD)

  1. State review of the municipally approved application
    • Related Links:

Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission (Home Page)


Any organization wishing to apply for a municipal license to conduct a bingo or raffle, must first register with, and obtain an identification number from New Jersey Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission (LGCCC). In order to register, the organization must submit a completed application accompanied by a non-refundable registration fee of $100. Senior citizen clubs and organizations are exempt from the registration fee. The registration is good for two years and is renewable every two years thereafter for a fee of $100. Once an organization receives the registration identification number from LGCCC, it may apply for a license from the Woodbury Heights Borough Clerk.

The Borough’s Checklist Must Accompany ALL Application Submissions to the Borough

Any application must be processed and approved by the Woodbury Heights Borough Clerk’s Office before being forwarded to the NJ LGCCC for a mandatory 15 business day review. Please note that an application for an off-premise raffle must include 2 sample tickets with the application. No tickets may be printed or sold until the LGCCC 15 business day review period has expired.

Fee Schedule

As allowed by law, Woodbury Heights’ fee schedule is identical to that of the LGCCC’s. Therefore, when your organization submits its application for a bingo or raffle license to the Municipal Clerk, it must be accompanied by two separate checks – one payable to the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission (LGCCC) and one payable to The Borough of Woodbury Heights – both checks should be for the same amount. Find the State’s fee schedule below.  (Links Above)


For your convenience, we have made the application forms available for download from our website. All of the forms can be completed by way of your keyboard and then printed. This is not the same as electronic filing and it is not possible to electronically submit the form to our office – you must print the form after entering the information, sign in original ink and return to this office. (Links Above).